Introducing PaintCode 2
Two years ago, we launched the first version of PaintCode because we desperately needed something like it. And as it turned out, we weren't alone.
PaintCode has quickly become one of the most popular developer tools on Mac - adopted by industry giants such as Apple, Disney Pixar, Evernote, Hewlett Packard, Qualcomm and many others.
We remember reading Wil Shipley's blog for many years, dreaming about becoming Mac developers one day. You can imagine our reaction when we received an email from Wil, a legend of our industry, shortly after we had launched PaintCode. The subject of the e-mail was: "PaintCode looks genius".
We are incredibly thankful to all our customers for making our dreams come true.

Today, we are proud to introduce PaintCode 2. We have been working on it non-stop for over a year, and we're really excited to be finally showing it to you.
Our goals for PaintCode 2
Super simple integration of the generated code into your projects.
(with StyleKits) -
Ability to easily create parametric drawings.
(with Variables & Expressions) - Much better drawing tools.
We've made PaintCode 2... using PaintCode 2
Aside from the app icon, PaintCode does not use any image resources. We could test countless variations of our new UI in a very short time. It's hard to imagine doing what we have done without PaintCode 2. We really look forward to what you'll achieve with it.
Pricing and Availability
PaintCode 2 is available for purchase. You can still buy it from the Mac App Store, and we've also added the option to buy directly from us, including volume purchase options.
If you bought the previous version of PaintCode (1.3.3) after 01 April 2014, please contact us at and we'll give you a free license for PaintCode 2.
To try PaintCode 2, download the demo version.
To learn more about PaintCode 2, visit our website. We have prepared video tutorials that show PaintCode 2 in action. Want to catch all PaintCode-related news? Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
We hope that you'll like PaintCode 2 as much as we do!
— Peter, Mike & Matt